Pinkerton - JavaScript file crawler and secret finder tool developed in Python

Investigating JavaScripts files since 1850

⚠️ Warning - The developer is not responsible for any malicious use of this tool.


️πŸ•΅️ Pinkerton is an JavaScript file crawler and secret finder tool developed in Python

⚡ Installing / Getting started

A quick guide of how to install and use Pinkerton.

1. Clone the repository with: git clone
2. Install the libraries with: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3. Run Pinkerton with: python3 -u

🐳 Docker

If you want to use pinkerton in a Docker container, follow this commands:

1. Clone the repository - git clone
2. Build the image - sudo docker build -t pinkerton:latest .
3. Run container - sudo docker run pinkerton:latest

⚙️ Pre-requisites

  • Python 3 installed on your machine.
  • Install the libraries with pip3 install -r requirements.txt

πŸŽ₯ Demo


✨ Features

  • Works with ProxyChains
  • Fast scan
  • Low RAM and CPU usage
  • Open-Source
  • Python ❤️

πŸ“š To-Do

  •  Add more secrets regex pattern
  •  Improve JavaScript file extract function
  •  Improve pattern match system
  •  Add pass list file method

πŸ”¨ Contributing

A quick guide of how to contribute with the project.

1. Create a fork from Pinkerton repository
2. Clone the repository with git clone
3. Type cd pinkerton/
4. Create a branch and make your changes
5. Commit and make a git push
6. Open a pull request

πŸ™ Credits

Download Pinkerton

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