Brahmastra: Fortify Your Defenses with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Empowerment
- Simply execute the following command
git clone
- Use the package manager pip to install Python libraries requirements.
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
cd Brahmastra
chmod +x *
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Then install the other requirements.
sudo ./
OSINT Analysis: The tool allows you to find social media profiles associated with a target username. It utilizes the "social-analyzer" tool for this purpose.
Information Gathering: You can gather various types of information about a target URL or IP. It performs WHOIS lookup, DNS lookup, GEOIP lookup, and subnet calculation to provide detailed information about the target.
Vulnerability Scanning: The tool supports vulnerability scanning using the Nikto tool. It scans the target URL or IP for common vulnerabilities and provides detailed output.
Web Crawling: You can crawl a website by providing the target URL. The tool sends an HTTP GET request, parses the HTML content, and extracts and displays all the links found on the page.
TLS/SSL Scan: It allows you to perform an SSL scan on a target URL. The tool uses "sslyze" for this purpose and provides information about the SSL configuration of the target.
Basic Scan: This feature performs a basic scan on a target URL. It fetches the site title, IP address, web server information, CMS detection using "builtwith," Cloudflare detection, and scans for robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.
Network Scan: The tool supports Nmap scanning by allowing you to specify the target and scan options. It executes the Nmap command and displays the scan output.
Banner Grabbing: It can grab banners from a target URL or IP. The tool retrieves the IP address and sends an HTTP GET request to get the server header.
Subdomain Finder: This feature helps in finding subdomains of a target URL or IP. It uses the "ffuf" tool with a wordlist to perform the subdomain enumeration.
Directory Lister: It allows you to find directories on a target URL or IP. The tool uses "ffuf" with a wordlist to perform directory enumeration.
CMS Specific Scans: The tool includes specific scans for popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla. It utilizes "wpscan" for WordPress scanning and "joomscan" for Joomla scanning.
SQL Injection Finder: It performs SQL injection detection on a target URL. You can provide a payload list, and the tool sends requests with each payload to check for vulnerability.
XSS Finder: This feature helps in detecting XSS vulnerabilities on a target URL. You can provide a payload list, and the tool sends requests with each payload to check for reflected XSS.
LFI Vulnerability Finder: The tool assists in finding Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities on a target URL. It checks if the target URL is susceptible to LFI attacks.
These are the main features of the Brahmastra tool, offering a range of functionalities for reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, and security testing.