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Are Cybersecurity Jobs in High Demand?

Computer security positions are highly sought after because businesses experience an increase in cyber risks. Find out why this field has so many opportunities, the salaries that you could expect to earn and why it is a great career choice.

Do Cybersecurity Jobs Exist?

However, in the rapidly evolving world where digital environments are becoming more and more part of our lives, the value of cyber security is skyrocketing. Companies, states, and people depend more than ever on digital processes and websites. Such reliance has spurred the need to ensure that information and infrastructure is preserved from acts of cyber-criminals. But as this arrives at the job market, what does it all mean? Are there really many jobs for cybersecurity experts? The answer is a resounding yes and here’s why:

The Growing Threat Landscape:

Hackers attacks are more common, complex, and expensive and the worst has not come yet. The losses caused by ransomware attacks that paralyzed corporate units, leakage of millions of users’ information, and other cyber threats are constantly increasing. Cybersecurity Ventures in its report projects that cybercrime damages globally could reach $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Due to this constantly growing threat level, organizations have started focusing on cyber security thus increasing the demand for the experts that can ensure security of such resources.

The Skills Gap:

Nevertheless, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is rising tremendously, but the supply is severely low. (ISC)² established in its study, that global cybersecurity employment demand has to increase to 65% to protect the organization’s essential assets. Due to the lack of trained personnel, in most fields and jobs available for such professionals are always numerous and come with attractive compensation packages.

Lacking of skilled workforce apply by the different industries that are in need of cybersecurity specialists.
In general, cybersecurity positions are not limited to organizations that specialize in technology. Virtually every industry requires cybersecurity professionals, including:

Finance and Banking:

To keep certain business information which is financially related or financially related transactions safe.


To protect patient record and medical devices.


To have participant’s payments information secured.

Government and Defense: 

For security purposes, defense and protection of strategic and sensitive installation for a given nation.


To protect avenues for learning online and all data that may belong to an institution.

Major Cybersecurity Positions in Demand:

Several specialized roles within cybersecurity are particularly sought after, including:

Cybersecurity Analyst: 

A supervisory function where it examines the threats and counteracts against the threats.

Ethical Hacker (Penetration Tester): 

This is achieved by the identification of some of the organizations’ weaknesses by emulating the actions of an attacker.

Security Architect: 

Develops secure paradigms of security.

Incident Response Specialist: 

Manages breaches and manage the consequences.

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): 

Responsible for managing an organizations’ security for its internet connection.


This means that they were paying high salaries in addition to having good career progress.
Asa result of the increased demand for security professionals, there are high remunerations associated with the job. The average income of information security analysts was estimated to be $102,600 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics by 2021, and employment of information security analysts is estimated to increase by 35% in the period of 2021 to 2031 which is much ahead of the average employment outlook for all occupations, as per the BLS.

Upskilling Opportunities:

To prepare for a cybersecurity career, there is no better time than now to do so. CompTIA Security+ is a basic level certificate while more advanced ones include CISSP and CEH which can be obtained before seeking entry level as well as the higher levels in the same field. Other organizations have also come up with training programs and internship to help address the need.


It is very clear in the current job market that cybersecurity jobs are needed and are increasing in use. There is the ever increasing protection challenge as technology advances. The jobs are plentiful for anyone who loves the buzz of a fast-paced employment, challenge, and excitement, and most importantly, a secure career in the future.

Whether you are fresh from college, experienced IT employee or a career changer it’s definitely smart to focus on cybersecurity skills as it will prove to be a valuable asset in the future.

It is important to know is that are you thinking about job opportunity in cybersecurity? Share your thoughts and ask questions in the comments to this article, please.

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