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Tutorial On Kali Linux

Tutorial On Kali Linux
If you want you could say that Kali Linux, is a specific operating system used for security and hacking. An operating system can best be described as a piece of software that directs how a computer functions. Kali Linux contains a ton of tools to practice information technology security and vulnerabilities. In this article I will describe what Kali Linux is, why it is employed and how a user can begin with the operating system. 

What is Kali Linux?

Tutorial On Kali Linux

Kali Linux is one of the distributions of Linux which contains numerous application for hacking and security assessment. But it can also be used for other purposes from that point on. But best of all, it was created back in 2013 by a company called Offensive Security, which focuses on producing tools for testing. A more recent release from Offensive Security, Kali Linux succeeded and even improved upon an older security testing operating system known as Backtracks. One reason that Offensive Security made Kali Linux is because penetration testing and hacking required newer tools.

Why Use Kali Linux?

There are some occasions for which the users prefer to use Kali Linux rather than Windows or Mac OS. First of all, kali Linux has hundreds of hacking and security tools included in the distribution. The stressing fact which comes along with this is that it is not necessary to download or install other programs for testing security.

Second, Kali Linux contains the updated collection of the most efficient hacker tools. When new hacking programs come up, they are compiled to be part of the Kali making it easy for you to access the newest security tools. Last but not the least, Kali Linux offers a great deal of control for the hackers/security researcher. What I found was interesting is that they can mound it to their needs as one would add, which is a plus for advanced users.

Kali Linux as a Operating System for Cybersecurity: 

So, before you make the switch to Kali Linux then you must need to download the Kali ISO file from their official website www.kali.org. It is a file that contains all information which shall enable user to produce another Kali Linux bootable disk. When you download this ISO, you then need to put Kali Linux onto either a bootable DVD or USB drive with the help of particular software. 

Now you can choose to configure your computer to start in the DVD or USB drive and it will begin to load Kali Linux instead of Windows or Mac OS. Kali has some guides on the website that would help anyone who wants to create a bootable copy correctly. When you initially boot Kali Linux the user is presented with questions about the program and the machine.

It was also designed with the choice of encrypting your Kali system to make it more secure. It is the technique of converting information in a way that only intended user can understand it. Then, you select your time zone and then have to create a password for the primary Kali user account. One is urged to set up a complex password and then log in to the account. Following that setup, you will be presented with the normal interactive graphical user interface screen of Kali Linux.

Exploring Kali Linux:

The default desktop of Kali Linux looks like Windows desktop with not very dissimilar features. Right below there is a bar that contains some icons of pinned applications, which are the usually used ones such as the web browser and the file manager. It is possible to also have a window viewing all the programs that had been installed.

However, Kali Linux works under different software than Windows for instance. For instance, Files replaces the basic Windows Explorer with a way to navigate and use the computer’s storage drives. Kali also, includes Firefox and Chromium web browsers instead of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.  

Finally, there is one place ‘ Applications’ that worth to be taken in the beginning for learning the hacking tools. Here you can get to different categories of programs with regards to their services offered. Web Applications has sections for assessing website insecurity for instance. 

Another important area is Exploitation Tools which includes programmers for compromising PCs. The best way to find out all the tools that are available with Kali Linux is to spend some time going through the different hacking software groups.

Staying Safe with Kali Linux:

Kali Linux is developed to be a hacking tool and as such is highly effective, it may even be lethal when used the wrong way. Always make sure to never perform hacking or experimenting of security on any computer without first seeking consent from the computer owner.

Penetrating other device without permission, some situations are even illegal, it is quite unethical. Most of the best practice in penetration testing state that you should only test your own computers or devices for which you have consent of the owner.  

You should also only run Kali Linux in a View Model Termination VM environment for training and educational use solely. This means that do not use Kali Linux to browse the normal web or check your emails as this exposes your information top the numerous hacking tools present. You can use something like Kali Linux inside a virtual machines such as VirtualBox, meaning that it’ll run like ‘normal’ but it’ll be on software which means that if you mess it up, you might not be able to at all.

Getting Help with Kali Linux:

For a lot of the time, you will find that general Linux distribution help is useful when troubleshooting Kali Linux or if you have questions about more in-depth configuration and features. This coupled with the fact that the Kali Linux website has a rich documentation that covers all of the pre-installed tools and how they are supposed to be used.

There are also dedicated forums at https://#forums.kali.org which is a community forum where Kali developers and virtually every other Kali user posts answers. Kali Linux hacking is now covered by many books that have been published to cover the needs of the people specifically and in detail. Last, YouTube provides many instructed video clips about Kali. With all these options, there is a lot of assistance out there on the internet on how to learn Kali Linux!

For More information about Kali Linux or Ethical Hacking do visit https://linuxhunter.com/

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