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When Is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, an event that informs any person and organization about cybersecurity risks and makes people and companies protect their data from cybercriminals.

About the Month: 

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an international campaign that focuses on both undertakings
things that every person should avoid or do to keep safe online.

Even if the infringement is taking place in bulk throughout the large-scale data breaches and cyberattacks, Cybersecurity Awareness Month just a gentle stern reminder to everyone that there is always the option to do things the right way and be safe when using the internet to self protect. Information and will go a long way in aiding Secure Our World.

CISA is the federal agency responsible for the federal incident reporting campaign, and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) develop products needed for organizations to engage their employees and customers on how safe they can be on the same social platforms. Businesses and organizations together with the government observe Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Schools, tribes, non-profits and numerous professionals relevant in the training of cybersecurity.
protecting our communities.

Secure Our World:

The focus for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 will therefore be “Secure Our World”. Launched in 2023. Secure Our World helps people learn how to protect themselves and the world through apparent procedures. your family and also your business from online threats. We are increasingly interconnected in digital tools, and much of our private information is there at the twin of the finger. This convenience comes with risks. We all have a role to contain prevent this or that from happening to us or our neighbor. It’s easy to do and does not take much of your time as you may imagine it would. 

Key Message:

Between the passwords typed in and strong ones typed in, 6-digit pin codes sent to our phones, and fingerprints. Read, cybersecurity is a part of our daily existence & dot; When done right, these
we will be much safer when online and we gain the assurance that our liberties are not at the mercy of every unknown malcontent on the internet. data, money, companies and households safety.
While we have had unbelievable levels of progress in electric and software things like AI the good ole’ fashion cyber. Still, the basics still work, and are highly effective to ensure your safety.” This is why we continue to highlight the four simple ways to stay safe online during Cybersecurity Awareness Month:
Employ good Passwords and a Password Manager.

Fast Fact:

According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance 2023 Oh Behave! report:
Seven in ten people, that is 84% stated that they cared for their safety on the internet.
In fact, a research findings indicate that only thirty-eight percent of people have a different password for each of their accounts. 23 percent of respondents started using a password manager after being exposed to cyber training.

Restarted The result of the survey showed that 79% of the respondents claimed that they were familiar with multifactor authentication. Thus, 70% of those respondents that have heard of MFA security measures know how to use it. Among the respondents only 36% confessed that they always install the update of a particular software once it is released. Self efficacy to avoid phishing scams is high; its means score is 69%. According to the statistics, 51% of Americans directly inform the cases of cybercriminal activities, focusing on phishing.

Social Media Guide:

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a time to teach and to learn all at once, with the help of our fellow computer users or as they are more commonly referred to, ‘the computer brethren.’ One of
the best ways to get involved is to join the conversation on social media by sharing
safety messages and information which also provides information about what your organization is doing to maintain people we care about for instance our employees, customers or our families and friends on measures to take to protect themselves when they are online.

Sample Email Announcement:

Begin using employees in Cybersecurity Awareness Month through email!
Use the draft copy below to get started:

Suggested Subject Line:

Support us to safeguard our world this Cybersecurity Awareness Month October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month an international campaign that teaches cybersecurity to anyone regarding safety and enables individuals as well as businesses to secure their information from cybercrime. Despite09 Data breaches and cyberattacks: Cybersecurity As we celebrate Awareness Month, we all must remember that there are steps which make all the difference to personal protection cyber, safeguard your information, and finally defend our planet.

[Company/Organization] is a very pleased to participant as a Champion for it and supporting the Online safety and education initiative this coming October.

The theme for Cybersecurity Awareness Month is Secure Our World! This initiative reminds us
that one needs to do is to take a simple precaution on daily basis to protect us and our loved ones.
companies from threats posed by the Internet. Cybersecurity Awareness Month focuses on the top four ways to stay safe online.

The following is a list of behaviors that can be used, or be adjusted according to the organization. Share
have been made such as your organization’s approved password manager and how employees
should report phishing to your IT department.

  • Select strong passwords and make use of a password manager.
  • Enable multi factor authentication.
  • Recognize and report phishing.
  • Update software
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is includes coordinated by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA).

The Cybersecurity Help campaign is currently sponsored by government agencies and other organizations including the National Cybersecurity Alliance. For more information about ways to keep you and your family safe from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, please visit our website at www.your family safe online visit https: The cyber security awareness month can be found at <URL: www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month

Sample Press Release:

Announce you Cybersecurity Awareness Month Campaign loud and clear. Take the sample press release provided below to begin with: Company/Organization – Specified to Take Action during Θ™i a Commitment to Secure Our World Cyber Security Awareness Month in Order to Mitigate Cyber Threat
Cybersecurity Awareness Month emphasizes the increase in the role of cybersecurity in people’s daily lives and persuades the owners of companies and ordinary people to take necessary cybersecurity measures every day to Secure.

Our World as well as how safe we are on the internet.
[Date]: [Organization name] today pledged for cybersecurity learning through the 21st Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Launched in 2004, Cybersecurity October is Utilization of Awareness Month, is the world’s largest campaign to increase awareness cybersecurity knowledge and proper understandings of this concept. Cyber security awareness month therefore is a collective campaign.
between businesses, governments, academe, societies, nonprofit.

Organizations for Protection of Minor’s, some School and colleges, the Tribal people and every citizen who wants to educate others regarding the online dangers.
[Optional: Use a quote from your organization on how you was involved in the month or
Organizational cybersecurity mission is as follows: 

Today, mobile has become inevitable part of our lives, same as smart home devices. Emerging
technologies do have many good aspects to them for the better of society, with those new technologies come new chances for malicious individuals to interfere with our activities on the Internet in home or school environment or at the workplace.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month seeks to bring out some of the new arising issues that exist in the world of cybersecurity today and offer clear instructions on what everyone can do to improve it today.
provide a protective environment for themselves and their dear ones in a virtual environment.
The focus of October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month is Secure Our World and the importance of everyone across the globe to do their part in protecting cyberspace.

Four Easy Steps Each Day To Ensure Our Online Safety:

  • Learn the advantages of employing a password manager and the myths that may already exist.
  • The two aspects that have been noted to define password manager security and convenience are as follows.
  • Enable multifactor authentication on individual gadgets and company networks .
  • Identify and respond to phishing – still one of the main threat actions exploited by scammers today.
Use the computer often and turn on automatic update with a click.

Cyber security awareness month has evolved and it gains more and more popularity as well as outcomes aiming everyone with all the important bits they require to protect and live safer lives some of which is online. [Organization name] is honored to endorse this the most critical awareness and education campaign on online safety by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

To learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month and how your agency or organization can get involved, go to this information is obtainable through the CISA: .gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month and the Stay Safe Online cybersecurity-awareness-month.

Building Your Campaign:

This section offers resources on how to get the word out for the Cybersecurity Awareness Month, as well as to build Your own campaign. Cybersecurity Awareness Month requires a positive behavioral approach in its conduct basic advice and Confidence-building statements. The theme of Secure Our World promotes measures which need to be taken by the society in order to mitigate cyber threats. So that the marketing and communication strategy succeeds this Oct maybe one should keep this in mind
when developing resources and designing the activities.

In Your Organization:

Emails: Inform your colleagues, employees, customers and or school on the
month. Explain how this plan will engage your organization. Users should pick the most significant behaviors and recommendations given in this toolkit. For a better understanding please refer the Sample Employee Email in this toolkit to get started.

Newsletters: Fold Cybersecurity Awareness Month into a newsletter and use the “Sample Employee Email” indicated in this toolkit. Contests: Organize an online poster/video making competition in which students can develop the content themselves threat assessment teams evaluated where their school and community had safety resources. Reveal the winners and think awarding prizes!

Promotion: Organize with leadership to issue an official Press Release, Proclamation or Video.
To support this announcement you could also consider showing your organizations support. Bullet points should be kept as follows what your company does to employ cybersecurity. Refer to the annex in this document titled “Sample Press Release” toolkit.

Event: Organize a local, virtual event or training within your office or company. Discuss smart security
activities, which concern issues of cyber security, and give participants an opportunity to pose questions that may be cyber related questions. Read further for more tips about event or training session hosting.

Gamification: Organize a phishing game or a contest. Forward phishing e-mails to your
workers and actually give incentives to those who identify and report the highest number of phishing scams.
Incentives: Promote the company by releasing a statement concerning the month (for instance a promotional product) contest, or prize draw for customers as a result of using such a vehicle.

Building Your Campaign:


Info booth: How about creating an information booth? Whether you are using your school’s student center or a company break room, so you create a place where you distribute info sheets and engage individuals in your organization or school.

Training: Phishing is the most common type of cyber-security attack, where an e-mail is sent to the employees in an organization to test their security standard. Reinforce the behavior you want to see in others and not to punish for mistakes. It may be useful to give little incentives to those people who have done their work well and are engaged in activities. Please remember to use the correct answer and highlight which tricks in applicable to the phishing attempt in order to avoid using them in the workplace since they can easily fall for it.

Handouts: Especially in cases involving clients or families, provide disposable online safety material and tip sheets. We offer lots of non-commercial resources that stay available for download and printing on staysafeonline.org.

Recap: At the end of the month, you should also send an email to the employees in an endeavor to recapture their activities results, and successes. The last point would be to revise the best practices discussed during the whole month.

At Home:

Provide tip sheets and print materials from your toolkit for patients and displays them where
time within each activity or category that family members spend time on the internet.
Check out the new Secure Our World wing public service announcements, or cartoon videos.
it in front of a family that you can sit down and watch them later on as a family.

Suggest that your immediate family schedule a family tech meeting to have a conversation on how they can prevent their devices concerning assets, transactions, customers, and individuals. Which includes sending an e-mail to friends and family with the message that October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and should alert others about helpful resources and tips particularly to” vulnerable” groups.
SEGMENTS, include the likes of seniors and teenagers.

The first step in security is to create security culture in your family. Ensure that all the family members know that they should be free to report if they have ever fallen victim to a link or a do
Saying something they shouldn’t have, or have been duped, especially when the two groups vulnerable for their vulnerabilities are children and the old.

Educate Your Community:

Even if you never considered yourself a teacher in your life you have something to impart to your
friends, neighbors and other members of your community. Consider volunteering at a
school, library, community or senior center or scout’s troop to educate others on the
cyber basics. Here are some tips that may help you in case you have to prepare a “Cyber Basics” talk.

Planning in Advance:

Contact the heads on the community in advance to try and convince them to attend the presentation. If you want to give a If you need someone to speak during Cybersecurity Awareness Month, for instance, try getting in touch with the intended subject six months before this period. Silly? Many librarians, club officers and school administrators schedule events rather so you find yourself catering for their time tables early enough meaning you have to respect their time planning.

Audience Focus:

Forget about being an authority on the tech knowledge of your viewers! Talk to the community
leader that scheduled your presentation to learn how they utilize technology in the
club/organization and how you think they can incorporate it in their day to day life.


Make a presentation that people can hand take home or a piece of information that will be in handy in the future. Have your presentation serve as a roadmap of what you taught in a particular class after you may have left the classroom. Give people resources where
they can seek more assistance, they can seek help in case they are a victim of a cyber attack. Make sure
they understand what assistance is out there for them, and who to seek (e.g. CISA, FTC, FBI). Your role is to teach them, then let them go with resources, advice and referral.

Empower And Educate:

It is important not to rely on factors such as fear, uncertainty or doubt in order to asserted ones message. Focus on simple, possessing, and encouraging as well as tactful advice and terminology. Do not use any business slang or the abbreviation primarily operates in the culture of a particular business sphere. Keep
your talk informational without being associated with words such condescension. Participants want to learn. Provide where by in case the models require more elaborate explanations, the detail could be included.

Feel it Out:

Approach a community leader in order to find out what his or her major concerns, or fears or issues are. Don’t speak for twenty minutes on cloud security if what they actually require could be defined as: what is a phishing email looks like. Know your audience!
For more tips, visit NCA’s Volunteer Toolkit and the video series by Volunteer NCA. 10

Request A CISA Speaker:

To invite a CISA speaker for your Cybersecurity Awareness Month event, please complete the CISA
to complete the Speaker Request Form, and submit the form by emailing it as an attachment to CISA.Speakers@cisa.dhs.gov no
later than August 30, 2024.
Kindly be informed, because of the large number of entries and the increased number of requests for speakers, your it also means that a submission or a request, does not necessarily mean an acceptance.

Request An NCA Presentation:

This October, the National Cybersecurity Alliance is making Cybersecurity a fun, engaging event with special etkinlikler. Presentations for Awareness Month to organizations of all kinds of organizations. The following informative talks will include the “cyber basics” and improve your organization’s internal training and meetings for its employees.

To book, talk, please click through to our form. Discussions are on a first come first served basis.
Learn more about this year’s offerings from our speakers:

Oh, Behave! Cyber Behaviors Presentation:

Webinar, or live presentation of 30-45 minutes in length (excluding discussion/ question and answer period), in celebration of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
presentation. This talk is based on our annual Oh Behave Report on Cybersecurity Attitudes
and Behaviors, which provides information about people’s perceptions on security.
As a response from your audience, we will contrast what you found out with what our research participants says and focus you through the clutter to provide you with clear, actionable recommendations and suggestions for how to stay your own life, your loved ones, and your own business safe and secure.

Level Up Your Cyber Game: Trivia Game Show

An interactive fun walkthrough more conducive for conveying the month’s pertinent information. This engaging. The interactive 40-50 minute lecture with an option to pause for questions will include trivia and polls, crowd engagement through the use of Crowd purr an online response system, and
chances for hosting together with the partner in organizing the event.

Do You Know You are Actually Conspicuous Online? The Consensual Doxing Presentation:

In this live and live recording of the interactive webinar we will find out how private and secure your information is! When you have individual volunteers from your organization, we presume that you ‘doxa’ them ‘conspicuously’ to consent. Instagram notable personality and famous social media personality Kristen Sotakoun, better known as @notkahnjunior.

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